Healthcare Organizations and Advocacy Requests
Thank you for visiting Spark Therapeutics’ requests portal for charitable donations and corporate sponsorships for healthcare organizations! At Spark, we envision a world where no life is limited by disease. Each day, our teams work to unlock the power of gene therapy to accelerate healthcare transformation.
You are in the correct place if you are submitting a charitable donation or corporate sponsorship request on behalf of a healthcare organization, including a medical/scientific association, professional society, patient association, and patient advocacy group. Before getting started, please ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for submitting a request for a charitable donation or corporate sponsorship from Spark.
Eligibility Criteria:
Healthcare organizations eligible to receive Corporate Sponsorship or Charitable Donation funding from Spark: medical/scientific associations, professional societies, patient associations, patient advocacy groups, community organizations, public policy institutes, think tanks, and trade associations. Generally, such organizations are non-profit 501(c)3 or other tax-exempt organizations; however, non-profit status is not a requirement for support.
Spark does not provide Corporate Sponsorships or Charitable Donations to:
Organizations known to discriminate on the basis of gender, age, race, religion, national origin, disability or sexual orientation;
Religious organizations to support sectarian purposes; or
Entities that are excluded from participation in federal healthcare programs or otherwise debarred by the U.S. government.
Spark does not provide Corporate Sponsorships or Charitable Donations to organizations under the control of or founded by an individual healthcare provider (HCP), a private physician practice group or a physician clinic. This includes, without limitation, a Section 501(c)3 charitable foundation controlled by or founded by an individual HCP, a private physician practice group or a physician clinic.
If you meet the eligibility criteria above, please click below to submit a request for a charitable donation or corporate sponsorship for a healthcare organization or advocacy group.
Please submit your request as far in advance as possible. Requests are typically reviewed in approximately 12 weeks. If you have questions about this timeline, please contact or your Spark chaperone.
Please Note: If you are soliciting Spark’s support for multiple programs or events on behalf of the same organization, please submit a separate request for each program or event. If multiple people from the same organization are submitting requests, each individual will only see their own requests in the portal.
- If you are a civic, educational, cultural, and/or local community organization based in the United States, please visit Spark’s Community Engagement portal to submit your request for a community donation. For requests from civic, educational, cultural, and/or local community organizations based outside the United States, please refer to
- For independent medical education or investigator-initiated research support,, please visit
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